Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Children are an important part of the life of the church. We offer Sunday Morning Bible study classes and midweek classes during the school year. Be looking for fun events scheduled throughout the year as well.
Sunday School 9:30 AM
babies through 5th grade
Children's Church at 10:40 AM
babies through Kindergarten
Jesus and Me Play Dates
Mondays @ 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Children Mid-Week
Wednesdays 6-7 PM
babies through 5th grade
Children's Church at 10:40 AM
babies through Kindergarten
Jesus and Me Play Dates
Mondays @ 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Children Mid-Week
Wednesdays 6-7 PM

Need some help navigating the digital age with your children?
You are not alone. Click below for a great resource full of practical guidance that will help you set God honoring boundaries for your families digital usage.

Sunday Mornings
9:30 am-10:30am
Sunday Morning Bible Study is age-graded for the entire family. Babies through adults have classes geared to their age and development level.
10:45 am-12pm
Children 5+ are encouraged to attend worship as a part of our multi-generational worship service time. Fun activity bags are provided to help keep little hands engaged. Nursery is provided for babies through Kindergarten. All children are welcomed to join their families in the worship service.
Contact Us
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